Thursday, September 22, 2011

Half a post

I was looking at my blog just now and found it kind annoying that I don't blog regularly. Most of the blogs I follow update me in a predictable way, and I prefer those to the ones that don't post for a week and then post everyday, then don't post for a month then post every hour (ehhh). You get the point right? Ok! So I will assume you prefer predictability and try to post every other day. On weekends however, nothing is guaranteed, so if you all just hope and pray real hard that I will be doing something extra fun every now and then, you might just see something up here. Win-Win huh? I get to have fun, and ya'll get to read. Ok it's starting to sound like I'm about to go on and on about how much of a confident writer I am, which is not the case. Infact, I started this blog so as to enable me to practice my writing skills. You see I love to read and write, and I love medicine. I didn't want to be an English major and take all those extra bio classes with Biology majors. So I make a choice. I became a Physiology and Neurobiology major in hopes of picking up an English minor. However, with the reccession, and my going to a state school. The English Department had just decided not to offer English minors anymore. So I practice wriring here. The end of the saddness.

Now, moving on to the fun stuff: my Meharry interview.
I already booked my flight (which cost me $320, who knew local flights would cost so much - I didn't). And now I am just hoping to hear back from the student host program at the school, so I can stay with one of the Medstudents. I will be getting there early Sunday morning (for a Monday morning interview, which I know sounds kind of ridiculous, but I saved nearly a hundred dollars by taking this earlier flight - doesn't sound so ridiculous now does it :) Anyway, I am SUPER EXCITED to be staying with the students and hopefully get to know the school even better.And that is all on that front, will update after the interview :) Keep me in your prayers.

But, BUT I do have something else very exciting - I graded a worksheet for my class yesterday. It was a weird experience...I want to say more, but I have to run to my 11 o'clock, will tell you all about it tonight, this is just half of today's post haha...(so i'm not breaking any rules :)

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