Sunday, November 27, 2011

What break?

Good news first: Second interview sometime in February :) YAY!
won't say much else about it now...but please stay and nod your head while I complain about how long the semester is, and how short thanks giving break was.

I am SO ready for this semester to be over... then the winter term when i'll be working 40 hours a week ...then the spring semester, which already feels like it's just going to be a joke. ALL this so I can enjoy some of the most carefree days of my pre-med years (I refuse to say my life, cuz I plan to have plenty of carefree days even in medschool).

Thanks Giving break was super short. I even gave myself an additional two days, taking almost all of this past week off from school. I was a bum for the first two days (did absolutely nothing! pure BLISS)...then before I knew it, it was Thursday. I had to eat and socialize... not a bum anymore... still not a student yet. I went all out and stayed up super late doing what most college students do when they are having fun ;)

Woke up Friday morning feeling stressed among other things, about all the homework I had to do, particularly a grant proposal that was worth way too many points to be neglected.

SO I spent most of Friday, napping, hydrating and working on that #@&% thing...and I've been doing that ever since (spent three days on one project - story of my life)

ok...i'll say this about my second interview it's in Pennsylvania :D

Monday, November 21, 2011


Today I celebrate my friend, Blen Ayele.

This person, dear and near to my heart, is one of the most highly motivated people I know. A few weeks ago, she gave a speech on TEDx a globally recognized non profit foundation that successfully carries out it's mission to expand 'ideas worth spreading.'

TED is where I go to when I am in no mood to study on a miserable Friday night, and I need to be reminded of why I shouldn't just quit it all and become a bum. The website houses talks from so many inspired souls. One of my all time favorite speeches is the one by Steve Jobs at the 2005 Stanford University commencement. I found it while poking around the website, looking to be inspired. I have watched it atleast 40 times (no exaggeration) and I have not watched it for the last time yet. This amazing site has now added another exhilarating speech by Blen.

This is HUGE! Blen and I came to the U.S a little over 4 years ago. Back home we went to the same school for all 12 years before college. We were in the same class for most of those years. After we arrived to the U.S, Blen went to Ohio and I stayed in DC, where I had my brother who also came with me. Blen on other hand came to the U.S on her own, she has lived in Ohio for all four years pursuing her dreams and inspiring all others who have been blessed with her presence in their life. She has defeated multiple challenges to get to where she is and has taught me that obstacles are to be overcome. Wake up on the wrong side of the bed on a grey day and Blen is one to make the sun shine brighter. When I saw the speech, as you will TOO because it is a GREAT speech. You might not feel as overwhelmed with joy or pride as I was, but maybe you will be, if you can imagine what it takes for a girl who left home just after high school to transform into the woman that you now see.

Here's a quote from TED, which I think really reflects most of the speeches I have watched.
"We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world. So we're building here a clearinghouse that offers free knowledge and inspiration from the world's most inspired thinkers, and also a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other."

Enjoy, here it is.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Only at Sbarro's

Wednesday is the new Friday, in case you have not heard, and it's not because all my classes are clumped into the first three days of the week, I swear. Ask anyone, almost everyone I talk to, and no they are not all in  my classes, seems to think that the days just fly by after Wednesday...but all the days before it are just so DARN painful. This has been especially true about this week. I have had exams in both my bio classes. The first one, the one I expected to do well on, I BOMBED and no this is not me exaggerating a misplaced decimal point. I left a question unanswered. I just had no clue what it was asking for, this in addition to all the other questions I will lose silly points on for half-assing my responses as I rushed to get through all the questions. Oh joy, can't wait to get that one back.

Then this morning, actually about an hour ago, I had my other exam (no complaints here). But I should be at the gym right now, because I snack carbs and caffine when I study and I need to sweat that stuff off before it starts to think it's found its' home. But clearly, I would rather rant and rave about my two exams, not sure what good that's going to do all the chocolate chip cookies I gobbled up last night - picture cookie monster here.

So... this cookie monster doesn't really prefer to be doing this over good old exercise, but this cookie monster ended up in the sbarro's line at the food court before she could think herself out of it. By the time the nice lady behind the counter was asking me my choice of carbs, I was gazing far away to the salad works line thinking I made another bad choice (first one being ditching gym).

In hopes of making one of my wrongs right, I ordered pasta instead of pizza. KUDOS for moi :)... walked to the student lounge grinning like an idiot. The idiot that I am who later found out that the pasta at sbarro's has been marinated with oil (lord knows what oil, but I can't imagine they would go through the trouble of using olive oil.)

EPIC FAIL! I should have gotten good old pizza.

Now I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and get back to all this grading I have to do before my discussion this aftternoon.

moral of the story:  Pizza over pasta only at Sbarro

Friday, November 11, 2011


Had a very laid back day today, TA meeting followed by an easy discussion, followed by office hours with a few of the students that actually come early enough before an exam (the ones that know their stuff), then off to the gym for a swim and sauna.

But the best part of the day didn't happen until I received the following email from my professora: the one I TA for, and it goes like this:

"Hi Emnet
Here are the results of your TA evaluations.  In short, your students LOVE you!! Several indicated that your reviews are awesome and that you make sure that no one is left behind!  Many said that it was really clear how much you care about them.  It was a joy to read these. Here are the numeric results with 5 being high (STRONGLY AGREE with the statement) and 1 being low (STRONGLY DISAGREE with the statement).
Your numbers are quite high,  the highest this semester (you go girl!) and you should be very proud of yourself.  Keep up the good work."

Then she gives me the numbers...but ya'll don't need to see that. ALL in weekend is off to a good start.

Enjoy yours

Thursday, November 10, 2011

One size up! PLEASE!

So I've been MIA, I know I know...I got all excited after I got my first acceptance, then I got a few (yes a few) rejections, and I guess I didn't know how to blog about my failures. I am still pre-med, I still hate to fail at anything academic (and by fail I mean not at the top). But anyhow, yea...I actually received two just yesterday one from NYMC and the other... I can't even recall right now. But the only one I was really :( about was UMDSOM. That was a bummer. But I expect more rejections, my MCAT score was not hte greatest and my decision to apply this cycle was a risk of sorts. So my reaction when I read those emails was...oh well! Meharry here I come :)

Getting that one acceptance does really feel AMAZING! I am safe, I will go to medical school next year and be an MD :) End of story. Besides, I LOVED Meharry when I visited and that means I'll enjoy my stay there. That might have been why I didn't post in a while, but there has been alot to bore you about, most of which escapes me right now. I do want to address why I entitled this post what I did. So I have a class: that class I blogged about that bores me to death, yea that one...and the certain someone that teaches that class always wears clothes one size smaller than that someone should (you can can tell I don't even want to reveal gender here). BUT it's super annoying. I mean, I know most lecturers are supposed to dress somewhat professional, which I do not really care for because I personally don't think it would distract me one bit if my teachers had purple hair, and or wore torn up jeans, but this size thing bothers me. It sort of suffocates me in my seat. I am always sitting there thinking she/he will burst from all the pressure of all the tightness and we'll all be covered with little pieces of a super boring lecturer. DISASTER!

This same teacher had a huge ink mark on the face one class this week, and along with the unfitting clothes, camel toe (maybe I'll reveal gender just because you need to know the degree of unfitting I am talking about) and what not I honestly felt SO bad I couldn't even look up as often I normally did, which is also rare because the Sudoku's on the school paper are usually the hard ones and I can never finish those before class ends. I would have told her about the ink mark, but I didn't notice it until everyone was in class and she had started to teach. Then as soon as I saw it, I didn't realize how big it was...I thought maybe the entire class won't she's less embarrassed (not that she knew). The entire time I was thinking...what if it was me, what if my students saw a huge ink mark on my face, would they tell me. I hope so. But then it got worse, there was a table on one of the lecture slides and I had to put my glasses on...and BOY! that ink mark grew so big. Now I'm sure everyone has seen it, and I was starring at it as if I just noticed it. How in the world did that happen to her! OK....I think I have said enough about camel toe's and ink marks, while ink marks might be inevitable in some cases, camel toes can definitely be avoided. I am sure no one grows that much everyday soon after they leave their house. So to those of you who might be fitting into the wrong size...just know this: no one ever looks at what size pants you wear, the one thing people see is how it fits you...Only you see the if it needs adjsting, for the love of God adjust it....or there's always dresses :D and long long shirts. SO MANY OPTIONS.

gotta study now...
exam week next week

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

First Acceptance Praise The Lord

Just got my acceptance letter to Meharry

Dear Future Meharrian

Congratulations, you have been admitted to the first year medical class at Meharry Medical College.  Please be aware that class will begin the last week of June.  We sincerely hope that you will accept our invitation and we look forward to having you join the Class of 2016.

To reserve your place in this class, we must receive written notification of your intent to accept our invitation and a cashier's check or money order in the amount of $300 payable to Meharry Medical College.  The payment must be received within 3 weeks of receipt of this notification.  Please mail the cashier's check or money order to:

Office of Admissions
Meharry Medical College
1005 Dr. D.B. Todd Jr. Blvd
Nashville, TN 37208

Please know that your acceptance as a member of this class is contingent upon completion of the following:
1. Transcripts from all Colleges attended and verification of  the required pre requisites.
2. Health examination and medical form forwarded to the Office of Admissions.
3. Criminal Background check.

Your official letter of offer from the Dean of the School of Medicine and additional information regarding the Medical Form, Freshman Orientation, Financial Aid, Student Services and enrollment information will arrive in the mail shortly.

In order to immediately assess who will be accepting (or not accepting) this offer of admission, it is very important for you to reply to this email and check the appropriate response below:

___I will accept your offer and send my deposit within 3 weeks.

___ I am no longer interested in attending Meharry Medical College for the reason indicated; please withdraw my application.
      I will be attending _________________________________________________________.

      Other reason (enter here) ____________________________________________________

Your Full Name __________________________________________  Phone # _____________

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact Ms Deborah Davis in the Office of Admissions at (615) 327-6223.

Allen D. Mosley, Director of Admissions

Praise the Lord.