Saturday, October 29, 2011

Life on Hold

This is to all five of you who have visited my page to see if I posted.

I'm sorry I have not had anything exciting up here in a while, but my life has been on hold. I don't react to my daily encounters like I used to, thus no inspiration to bore you with a list of things I did. It's a bit depressing really. It's been three weeks since my interview and I have not heard anything. Although it does make me feel better that no one else who interviewed that day has heard back (thank you SDN for all the amazing updates and directions). I still can't believe we have to wait a long painful month before hearing back - next week IS IT!

I thought they had said 2 weeks, but apparently it's 3 - 4 weeks. When I found out I was both relieved that my not having heard back didn't mean rejection, but still frustrated to be waiting another two weeks (now just one).

Also, my birthday is on Saturday next week, and I would hate to spend the day thinking about a rejection. So....UGHHHHH! this is truly painful.

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