Saturday, December 3, 2011

More More...More

Guess what...more interview invites :) 

This is from Howard..right here in DC. Got the email at 9:50 Friday morning after I had two very early and very miserable Friday morning classes, and it read:

Thank you for applying to Howard University College of Medicine.  We have completed a preliminary review of your medical school application and would like to invite you to interview at the College of Medicine.  During our interview days, we are interested in learning more about you in both  formal and informal settings.  In addition to your interview, you will be given the opportunity to:

1.  Tour the medical school and Health Science library,

2.  Meet with students during lunch and throughout the day to find out the real scoop on the medical school

3.  Get tips about financing your medical school education, and

4.  Learn the Howard medical curriculum and requirements.

It's a full day, but we try to make it both informative and interesting.

Your day will begin around 8:00 a.m. and will end about 3:00 p.m.   Sign-in starts at 7:45 a.m.
We can only interview between 10-15 students a day.   Therefore, please email as soon as possible your 1st and 2nd date preference.

(trimmed here and there for your reading pleasures...but when you get your invite-for those of you waiting-it will look like this)

So yea, it made my day, and you have not heard the good part yet. They have just had a spot open up this in their interview group this following Wednesday, and I TOOK IT. So I'll be interviewing with an early group...beat that! 

Although so much has happened since then (Friday afternoon and today)...I am so behind on stuff...promise a nice juicy, gossipy, whiny post next time.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

What break?

Good news first: Second interview sometime in February :) YAY!
won't say much else about it now...but please stay and nod your head while I complain about how long the semester is, and how short thanks giving break was.

I am SO ready for this semester to be over... then the winter term when i'll be working 40 hours a week ...then the spring semester, which already feels like it's just going to be a joke. ALL this so I can enjoy some of the most carefree days of my pre-med years (I refuse to say my life, cuz I plan to have plenty of carefree days even in medschool).

Thanks Giving break was super short. I even gave myself an additional two days, taking almost all of this past week off from school. I was a bum for the first two days (did absolutely nothing! pure BLISS)...then before I knew it, it was Thursday. I had to eat and socialize... not a bum anymore... still not a student yet. I went all out and stayed up super late doing what most college students do when they are having fun ;)

Woke up Friday morning feeling stressed among other things, about all the homework I had to do, particularly a grant proposal that was worth way too many points to be neglected.

SO I spent most of Friday, napping, hydrating and working on that #@&% thing...and I've been doing that ever since (spent three days on one project - story of my life)

ok...i'll say this about my second interview it's in Pennsylvania :D

Monday, November 21, 2011


Today I celebrate my friend, Blen Ayele.

This person, dear and near to my heart, is one of the most highly motivated people I know. A few weeks ago, she gave a speech on TEDx a globally recognized non profit foundation that successfully carries out it's mission to expand 'ideas worth spreading.'

TED is where I go to when I am in no mood to study on a miserable Friday night, and I need to be reminded of why I shouldn't just quit it all and become a bum. The website houses talks from so many inspired souls. One of my all time favorite speeches is the one by Steve Jobs at the 2005 Stanford University commencement. I found it while poking around the website, looking to be inspired. I have watched it atleast 40 times (no exaggeration) and I have not watched it for the last time yet. This amazing site has now added another exhilarating speech by Blen.

This is HUGE! Blen and I came to the U.S a little over 4 years ago. Back home we went to the same school for all 12 years before college. We were in the same class for most of those years. After we arrived to the U.S, Blen went to Ohio and I stayed in DC, where I had my brother who also came with me. Blen on other hand came to the U.S on her own, she has lived in Ohio for all four years pursuing her dreams and inspiring all others who have been blessed with her presence in their life. She has defeated multiple challenges to get to where she is and has taught me that obstacles are to be overcome. Wake up on the wrong side of the bed on a grey day and Blen is one to make the sun shine brighter. When I saw the speech, as you will TOO because it is a GREAT speech. You might not feel as overwhelmed with joy or pride as I was, but maybe you will be, if you can imagine what it takes for a girl who left home just after high school to transform into the woman that you now see.

Here's a quote from TED, which I think really reflects most of the speeches I have watched.
"We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world. So we're building here a clearinghouse that offers free knowledge and inspiration from the world's most inspired thinkers, and also a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other."

Enjoy, here it is.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Only at Sbarro's

Wednesday is the new Friday, in case you have not heard, and it's not because all my classes are clumped into the first three days of the week, I swear. Ask anyone, almost everyone I talk to, and no they are not all in  my classes, seems to think that the days just fly by after Wednesday...but all the days before it are just so DARN painful. This has been especially true about this week. I have had exams in both my bio classes. The first one, the one I expected to do well on, I BOMBED and no this is not me exaggerating a misplaced decimal point. I left a question unanswered. I just had no clue what it was asking for, this in addition to all the other questions I will lose silly points on for half-assing my responses as I rushed to get through all the questions. Oh joy, can't wait to get that one back.

Then this morning, actually about an hour ago, I had my other exam (no complaints here). But I should be at the gym right now, because I snack carbs and caffine when I study and I need to sweat that stuff off before it starts to think it's found its' home. But clearly, I would rather rant and rave about my two exams, not sure what good that's going to do all the chocolate chip cookies I gobbled up last night - picture cookie monster here.

So... this cookie monster doesn't really prefer to be doing this over good old exercise, but this cookie monster ended up in the sbarro's line at the food court before she could think herself out of it. By the time the nice lady behind the counter was asking me my choice of carbs, I was gazing far away to the salad works line thinking I made another bad choice (first one being ditching gym).

In hopes of making one of my wrongs right, I ordered pasta instead of pizza. KUDOS for moi :)... walked to the student lounge grinning like an idiot. The idiot that I am who later found out that the pasta at sbarro's has been marinated with oil (lord knows what oil, but I can't imagine they would go through the trouble of using olive oil.)

EPIC FAIL! I should have gotten good old pizza.

Now I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and get back to all this grading I have to do before my discussion this aftternoon.

moral of the story:  Pizza over pasta only at Sbarro

Friday, November 11, 2011


Had a very laid back day today, TA meeting followed by an easy discussion, followed by office hours with a few of the students that actually come early enough before an exam (the ones that know their stuff), then off to the gym for a swim and sauna.

But the best part of the day didn't happen until I received the following email from my professora: the one I TA for, and it goes like this:

"Hi Emnet
Here are the results of your TA evaluations.  In short, your students LOVE you!! Several indicated that your reviews are awesome and that you make sure that no one is left behind!  Many said that it was really clear how much you care about them.  It was a joy to read these. Here are the numeric results with 5 being high (STRONGLY AGREE with the statement) and 1 being low (STRONGLY DISAGREE with the statement).
Your numbers are quite high,  the highest this semester (you go girl!) and you should be very proud of yourself.  Keep up the good work."

Then she gives me the numbers...but ya'll don't need to see that. ALL in weekend is off to a good start.

Enjoy yours

Thursday, November 10, 2011

One size up! PLEASE!

So I've been MIA, I know I know...I got all excited after I got my first acceptance, then I got a few (yes a few) rejections, and I guess I didn't know how to blog about my failures. I am still pre-med, I still hate to fail at anything academic (and by fail I mean not at the top). But anyhow, yea...I actually received two just yesterday one from NYMC and the other... I can't even recall right now. But the only one I was really :( about was UMDSOM. That was a bummer. But I expect more rejections, my MCAT score was not hte greatest and my decision to apply this cycle was a risk of sorts. So my reaction when I read those emails was...oh well! Meharry here I come :)

Getting that one acceptance does really feel AMAZING! I am safe, I will go to medical school next year and be an MD :) End of story. Besides, I LOVED Meharry when I visited and that means I'll enjoy my stay there. That might have been why I didn't post in a while, but there has been alot to bore you about, most of which escapes me right now. I do want to address why I entitled this post what I did. So I have a class: that class I blogged about that bores me to death, yea that one...and the certain someone that teaches that class always wears clothes one size smaller than that someone should (you can can tell I don't even want to reveal gender here). BUT it's super annoying. I mean, I know most lecturers are supposed to dress somewhat professional, which I do not really care for because I personally don't think it would distract me one bit if my teachers had purple hair, and or wore torn up jeans, but this size thing bothers me. It sort of suffocates me in my seat. I am always sitting there thinking she/he will burst from all the pressure of all the tightness and we'll all be covered with little pieces of a super boring lecturer. DISASTER!

This same teacher had a huge ink mark on the face one class this week, and along with the unfitting clothes, camel toe (maybe I'll reveal gender just because you need to know the degree of unfitting I am talking about) and what not I honestly felt SO bad I couldn't even look up as often I normally did, which is also rare because the Sudoku's on the school paper are usually the hard ones and I can never finish those before class ends. I would have told her about the ink mark, but I didn't notice it until everyone was in class and she had started to teach. Then as soon as I saw it, I didn't realize how big it was...I thought maybe the entire class won't she's less embarrassed (not that she knew). The entire time I was thinking...what if it was me, what if my students saw a huge ink mark on my face, would they tell me. I hope so. But then it got worse, there was a table on one of the lecture slides and I had to put my glasses on...and BOY! that ink mark grew so big. Now I'm sure everyone has seen it, and I was starring at it as if I just noticed it. How in the world did that happen to her! OK....I think I have said enough about camel toe's and ink marks, while ink marks might be inevitable in some cases, camel toes can definitely be avoided. I am sure no one grows that much everyday soon after they leave their house. So to those of you who might be fitting into the wrong size...just know this: no one ever looks at what size pants you wear, the one thing people see is how it fits you...Only you see the if it needs adjsting, for the love of God adjust it....or there's always dresses :D and long long shirts. SO MANY OPTIONS.

gotta study now...
exam week next week

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

First Acceptance Praise The Lord

Just got my acceptance letter to Meharry

Dear Future Meharrian

Congratulations, you have been admitted to the first year medical class at Meharry Medical College.  Please be aware that class will begin the last week of June.  We sincerely hope that you will accept our invitation and we look forward to having you join the Class of 2016.

To reserve your place in this class, we must receive written notification of your intent to accept our invitation and a cashier's check or money order in the amount of $300 payable to Meharry Medical College.  The payment must be received within 3 weeks of receipt of this notification.  Please mail the cashier's check or money order to:

Office of Admissions
Meharry Medical College
1005 Dr. D.B. Todd Jr. Blvd
Nashville, TN 37208

Please know that your acceptance as a member of this class is contingent upon completion of the following:
1. Transcripts from all Colleges attended and verification of  the required pre requisites.
2. Health examination and medical form forwarded to the Office of Admissions.
3. Criminal Background check.

Your official letter of offer from the Dean of the School of Medicine and additional information regarding the Medical Form, Freshman Orientation, Financial Aid, Student Services and enrollment information will arrive in the mail shortly.

In order to immediately assess who will be accepting (or not accepting) this offer of admission, it is very important for you to reply to this email and check the appropriate response below:

___I will accept your offer and send my deposit within 3 weeks.

___ I am no longer interested in attending Meharry Medical College for the reason indicated; please withdraw my application.
      I will be attending _________________________________________________________.

      Other reason (enter here) ____________________________________________________

Your Full Name __________________________________________  Phone # _____________

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact Ms Deborah Davis in the Office of Admissions at (615) 327-6223.

Allen D. Mosley, Director of Admissions

Praise the Lord. 

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween my costume is here to stay

I don't do Halloween. I don't have anything against it, I just don't do it. I can eat candy whenever I want and I have no desire to dress like anyone else. But you'll say you can buy flowers for anyone, so why Valentines day, and give thanks to the Lord any day so why thanks giving. Ok ok I get it! there's some history involved. I STILL don't care for Halloween. Truth is, I am terrified of all the horror stuff and haloween creepiness (the cobweb decorations that ofcourse have a spider somewhere on them, which happen to be my least favorite things in the world, dead or alive, or EVEN a stuffed spider made out of rainbow colors. I DON'T CARE!) It's just all too much.

I actually make sure to get home early on Halloween.

This year however, I have taken part in the celebration, coincidentally. I had been contemplating getting a hair cut for a very long time now and me being the WUS that I am about it actually never got around to it. BUT this past week I just had it with my hair! I needed it to be different. Something more manageable, something cute, maybe a style that will grant me less bad hair days with my lazy ways and oh...MAYBE...MAYBE even something that will allow me to jump out of bed and jump into a pair of jeans and jump on the bus (that's a lot of jumping, but all these ideas got me excited!!!) So I just went ahead and did it. CHOPPED IT ALL OFF! Free at last. No hair.

Ok there is some...but barely, I bet your brother has more hair than I do, my brother has more hair than I do. Now if I had a nice webcam or a clue as to how I could take a picture and download it on my little notebook, you would be able to see for yourself. But since that can't be done (not now anyway) while I'm laying in bed all tech disabled as I have always been...I'll just tell's more hair than no hair, but less hair than any hair. So I can say I have more hair than anyone balding but I dare not compare myself to anyone who has any hair. haha!

I love it!

That said...this new look makes me look like a 12 year old boy, with all seriousness. So today I was dressed in my ripped jeans, vintage coat and loafers and didn't recognize myself...this I figured was like MY HALLOWEEN COSTUME. While it gives me a rather masculine look, my feminine features can be mistaken for a boy who has not yet hit puberty (teen - thirteen - get it?) But I am too tall for a little boy which just makes me look like a tall 12 year old.

I plan to walk around with this costume until maybe next Halloween. I bet no one shows more love to Halloween than that (I'm not competing with people who have to wear costumes to work).

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Life on Hold

This is to all five of you who have visited my page to see if I posted.

I'm sorry I have not had anything exciting up here in a while, but my life has been on hold. I don't react to my daily encounters like I used to, thus no inspiration to bore you with a list of things I did. It's a bit depressing really. It's been three weeks since my interview and I have not heard anything. Although it does make me feel better that no one else who interviewed that day has heard back (thank you SDN for all the amazing updates and directions). I still can't believe we have to wait a long painful month before hearing back - next week IS IT!

I thought they had said 2 weeks, but apparently it's 3 - 4 weeks. When I found out I was both relieved that my not having heard back didn't mean rejection, but still frustrated to be waiting another two weeks (now just one).

Also, my birthday is on Saturday next week, and I would hate to spend the day thinking about a rejection. So....UGHHHHH! this is truly painful.

Monday, October 24, 2011

No excuses

I know I've been MIA for the past week, but I meant to post (honest). There's just nothing exciting going on. I might even be bored. My leg has healed, school is OK (not interesting, not challenging - no exams, no big papers) and the HeLa book is great. So I guess I have just been taking it one day at a time, immersing myself in my new book, or a sudoku puzzle.

So yea, no excuses - I'm not posting because there is nothing to post (you do realize this is ALL ABOUT MEDSCHOOL right?)

Is no news good news :'( I can only hope.

Monday, October 17, 2011

A great day!

I ate healthy all day...(I know you're thinking, who cares...please don't leave just yet)

A dear friend of mine got her first Medschool acceptance c/o 2016. Love you freakin ECSTATIC for you. Hard work pays off! You are living proof.

Also, also.... I am now hooked on another amazing book (mind you I read only the first few pages-3 to be exact, but don't forget I'm an optimist :) For those of looking for a good read, here it is

Amazing!!!! DAY!


It's a slow process, one that requires lots of patience. And for my ankle hopefully the weekend was just enough time, for I have left my crutches behind this morning and I hope to be back to my normal pace by wednesday.

I am super glad it is just a sprain. I know I've said that over and over, but not being able to walk as I please, having to take the elevator, not being able to go to the killing me (inside).

While we are on the topic of healing, I thought I would share that although this is not the first time (in my four year stay here in the U.S) that I have had a health issue (I refuse to use the word sick) this is the first time it did not make me feel homesick or sad that I am in such a situation. If there are any FOB  foreigners out here reading this and thinking, I would feel homesick if I was all by myself and had a health issue. My point here is that, it heals. You know that sore spot that hurts every time you get a sore throat or a back ache or a bad day, or even a bad quiz grade (yes bad grades used to make me homesick) WELL! it heals. Take it from me. I was expecting to feel a bit of homesickness...but to my surprise - NOTHING! not a tad. Believe you me, I checked. I sat in my room quietly and searched my soul for that sore spot. It's gone.

This is definitely a discovery worth celebrating (maybe I'll jump up and down once my leg heals).

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day 3 on three

My leg appears to be healing, or maybe it just looks that way in the mornings because I keep it elevated all night. But I'll tell you what will not heal even way after my ankle's better, my left leg. It's essentially carrying the weight of my whole body. And even more painful than my left leg is my right arm/armpit. It feels like it's about to fall off. So glad it's the weekend, and so glad I didn't break a bone (which would take much much longer to heal).

Here are things I observed in my half a day of disability at school yesterday:

It took me 1.5x longer than it usually does to get around
I don't know where most of the elevators are located in the school buildings
Everyone notices and almost no one makes eye contact

And you would think that my slow speed would make getting around easier, although less bearable. BUT NO! I was sweating, just trying to get from my bus stop to my house. It's exhausting.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Walking on three

I never thought I would walk on three so soon (referencing that riddle/question (whatever it is) about how when you were born you walked on all fours, then you walk on two, then you walk on three.) Well today I walk on three. I sprained my ankle, I think. Since we all now know that I am not athletic, or that if I did do something sportive I would proudly brag about here, my injury has a rather embarrassing story behind it.

I was in the student union building at my school where I keep a lock full of my gym stuff along with my books (all of which I have not used at all this week), I eagerly grabbed my gym stuff and was text walking down the stairs (always feel nervous doing it, but I had been teaching for 2 hours and I had a ton of texts to reply to). Then...then....

I FELL! My ankle just decided to teach me a lesson. I was in the ground in a minute. I am very grateful that I did not hit my back or head on anything. Once I was on the ground I started to shake my head and smile at my stupidity and how I knew this would happen. I just always knew. Anyway, I just got up...shook my body, checked everything: all is well except my ankle. Then just walked back up the stairs and put my gym stuff back in the locker and went home.

I didn't really think much of it, until I woke up this morning with one very sore ankle also swollen if I might add. I guess my initial reaction to my ankle pain was, ignore it and it will go away. But was here to stay. I hate being sick, and not the sick feeling, but just that I have to miss classes and maybe work and stuff. I hate hate it. I spend all my time trying to be early doing everything, then BOOM, one second of lazy ankle and I spend all day Thursday at home at my desk.

I need to come up with a good excuse for everyone that will ask "what happened?" tomorrow when they see me on campus. Don't you think?

and life goes on

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I love Yanni

Have you ever heard Yanni's "One man's dream" or "In the morning light"? If you HAVE NOT! please check them out before you read any further, you will thank me.

If you are still reading and thinking who is Yanni, then you are probably not into classical music. But if you are into classical music, and you really have not heard of Yanni. Then you're welcome my friend, you will soon be as obsessed with this genious as I am. I'm not really obsessed, I just always turn to him on nights like these when I know I will be up reading pages and pages of stuff that I will not even need to remember a week later.

I just sat down to write a lit review for a paper that is due tomorrow at 11:00AM, I have not read any actual literature YET, hmm...actually I have not found the material I have to read...YET, which I will search for once I find the introduction I wrote a month ago, because I sincerely do not remember what the paper was supposed to be about. I am in for a long night. Thus Yanni, and some diet coke, and some nuts, and fruit.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The interview

It was not as stressful as I thought it would be and once it was done I was so very happy it was behind me. No more talking to myself and rehearsing lines, lines that I did not use at any point in the interview. I am not in anyway implying preparing didn't help. But the most helpful part was knowing the topics I wanted to address and some key words that will help me get my message across.

Some of the q's I got were things like: Tell me about yourself? Why Meharry? Why medicine? Would you specialize and if so what? those sorts of things, I would not say I had any questions that took me off guard. I did however get one question I almost prayed I would not get, the where do you see yourself 10 yeas from now question. I dread that question. But I knew that they might throw it at me. So I don't think it was all that bad. 

Overall the interview was good. The school is great. It is really a school with a real family feel. The staff was nice, my interviewer was nice, and the students were very supportive and friendly.

Now I wait. 

I am still exhausted from having to spend most of my Sunday in the airport where I thought there would be wifi (I do not consider wifi that lets you look up only flight information and the weather of that nation, free wifi, to me that is NO wifi). Anyway, although I have a lot more to say about this wonderful experience. It really was awesome being in Nashville. I didn't think it would grow on me so fast, the whole small town thing, but it did. I really hope I get in. 

later ya'll (practicing my southern accent) 


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Please save me from what you would have done differently

After my post yesterday followed by some more preping for my interview, I spent my entire afternoon shopping for a travel bag, and all other travel necessities along with an actual suit case (a case for my suit, because unless I wanted to carry an iron with me, which I will also have to buy, that is how I want to take my suit. Yes the suit did come with a case, for those of you smart people out there wondering why I have to buy one. But I threw it out. And I refuse to being called any synonyms of stupid, I know you are cooking in your head while you read this, because I have already gone through a week of bashing my head about it).

so then I got home and found out that the suit case I bought does not have a zipper, it has the actual zip on the entire suit case thing, but it doesn't have a zipper, so nothing to open/close the zip with. I mean, how do they even make things like that, do they make a zipper, zip it up and then take the zipper for future use on other bags, or do they sell zippers/zipheads or whatever you call them, separately? I spent six dollars on nothing, well not nothing. I actually spent 6 dollars to have someone dispose of a suit case I already had and now really really need. Super!

It took me a few minutes to get past that, but then I thought, my nice medstudent host, might just have an iron. I hope. So I just focused on preparing for the interview for the last time before bed. But I was too hyper to sleep, and I didn't even have any coffee yesterday I swear. I was just nervous I guess, although I kept telling myself I was not; there is no other explanation for it. Therefore, I ended up getting to bed around 1:00AM, which led me to dismiss my alarm clock when it went off at 4, I simply dismissed it. 

This is one very important and often disastrous fact:
Sleepy Emnet has alot of will power TO SLEEP! I slept through a Mammalian Physiology Exam last semester, after staying up until 4:00 studying for it and deciding to get 3 hours of sleep before the test. No matter how important something is, when my brain is woken up after 2-4 hours of sleep, it forgets everything else and only continues to sleep. That's just how Emnet sleeps. 

This morning it could have cost me everything I ever woke up early for. At 5:00AM I woke up to a loud knocking on my door and realized I must have slept in (see: I get 5 hours of sleep and I know why I am awake, it comes to me. Same thing if I get 2 hours of sleep or less, I wake up and remember why I had to be awake). My friend who is also my ride and at 4:00AM like I warned him to was at my door yelling my name.

I am now awake and frantic! I put on my clothes, shoes, grab my stuff and walk out. 

We get gas, which took longer than usual because we first parked on the wrong side (gas tank opposite the pump), then the pump we parked at did not work (for Lord knows what reason). 

So it's 5:20 and we are on the road. We actually get to BWI fairly early, considering we left so late. Let's just say we drove at a steady above-limit-speed (I will not say what speed exactly, just because it is not advisable to drive as fast as we did and I would not want to give any indication that that saved the day, because it really didn't). 5:50 was not early enough. I know DUH!
But they did have a 6:30 flight, which cost me just $50 more. God always rewards my hope and optimism. So I boarded that one and I was off to ATL. 

In the plane I was thinking, ROUGH MORNING! But nothing else can go wrong right? WRONG! I forgot my coat in the car. My suit coat. The one I need for my interview. The one I bought for my interview. 

Definitely an FML moment, what to do now?

At this point I just started thinking, are these signs or something? Because I also left all my liquid, which broke a lot of my norms for how I normally go out to face the world, with lotion, chapstick and on occasions like these my mac foundation. I didn't know about the 3.4 ounces rule (anything below is fine). Oh Joy! It just makes my morning merrier. 

I'll admit I am a klutz. 

I just sat in the airport thinking of other things that could go wrong. hmmm...let's see. Plane Crash? naaa, cuz then I'll be dead and won't care about the interview haha (I might still care, if the dead could care).

So I just spaced out and took a break from thinking about what if's and bad lucks. Then I put my ipod on, blasted Cold Play and decided to take break from this madness. After a few deep breaths and some well thought out plans I arrived in Nashville and met my host, who came with a friend and really helped me turn my day around. 

I am sitting in the Meharry Medschool library right now, and I feel like I should be doing something to make up for all the classes I missed. so let me get to it.

More updates later

Saturday, October 8, 2011


My nerves are out of control. Ay ay ay!

Anyway, here's something sweet I found on the presendential charge for the 2007 MMC graduates:

“Be humble,” the minister counseled, “as you make daily decisions that spell the difference between life and death, always remember you are the created, not the creator!” “You belong to the universe, but you’re not the center of the universe.” “When you enter a room, don’t say here I am … say how can I help you? In other words, seek to serve, rather than to be served.” “Be care-free, but not careless. Learn to manage the inevitable stress that comes with the territory.” “Exercise, meditate, sit beneath the sky and wink back at the stars. And, yes, pray…pray for strength, guidance, and wisdom because each one of you will be tested - relentlessly - every day of your professional life.”

That's just my favorite part, you can click on the link to see the entire thing.

Wish me luck
will update soon

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Post Midterm Jitters

I have not been this hyper in two days. I've actually been feeling kinda shitty, it probably has something to do with my getting only 4 hours of sleep two days in a row (that's just 2 less of what I need to feel normal, and 1 less than what I need to barely make it through the day without coffee).

But now I have post Exam Jitters :D

I had two midterms one each day, and now it's all over. No more exams. Not for a while anyway. But there are still some very important things to get out of the way, like my very special appointment on Monday (which  I have yet to prepare for) and then all the Monday school course work I will need to make up for.

So life does go on! :(

Although right now it feels like it should be the beginning of a summer break. You know what I'm taking about, that feeling when nothing really matters anymore, when everything you did for a 24 - 48hrs was about that one thing and now it's done. Yea...THAT'S the feeling I'm talking about.

I left my last exam a bit early. Although this usually does not happen, especially in an upper level course where the questions are all open ended and annoying and always leave you feeling like you can say just a little bit more or maybe until someone tell you "you got it." (words of reassurance that you will not hear until God knows when you get the exam back). But yea, I left early and as I walked out I watched not some, but all of my fellow classmates think long and hard as they tried to articulate their well thought out responses in a manner that will make the grader go, OMG! who is this student. Because come on, let's face the facts, nearly everyone in that class is a senior and some sort of Biology, Chemistry or Biochem or even better (tougher if you will), Bio or Chem-engineering majors. More than 70 precent, and nearly all of the bio majors are either Pre-med or Pre-Grad school. And these are not made up facts, most of us know each other (in this class of about 200 students). We recognize each other from other similar classes, and from these facts (you'll have to agree here because this is as factual as this will get) we can infer that everyone has studied their bums off and are hoping to be the reason for a curve (the very top of the curve). Not even sure if there is a curve. Oh well.

This ends the first quarter of the semester.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

I lied

I am such a liar, it is not my pre-med ways that have socially handicapped me. It is simply who I have become.

Exhibit A: This weekend
I was supposed to study for my two midterms next week, and it's now 6:00PM on Sunday and I have re-written my notes and highlighted all the important concepts but I have not yet absorbed any of it. That did not take all weekend, I mean it kind of did, but it could have all been done yesterday. But here's how I do things, I start studying, then I get hungry, I eat and read a blog, then I try to study, but I'm all full now and feeling good and just want to enjoy my lunch for a half hour or so, so I decide to watch a few auditions of X-factor on youtube. This takes me atleast an hour, yesterday it took me two. So then I get back to studying but out of the corner of my eye I see the sudoku on yesterdays paper laying on the floor and get all excited. So I pick it up and work on it (this one is hard, I almost never finish the hard ones). So I stop and hit the books, but now I'm hungry you see where this is going.

I really hope I have a much more productive night.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Today's "Aha" moment

Ok, so this has been wondering in my mind all afternoon. I consider myself a social butterfly. This is no exaggeration. I get along with people very well and enjoy myself in social settings. I almost never have awkward moments and can redirect strange conversations or incidents so that everyone feels comfortable. I also make friends easily. Do ya get the point? Because I would hate to sound like I am bragging. OK.

But today I realized that, that I might be losing that quality (if you are choose to call it that). A friend asked me to an accompany him to an occasion and here's how I responded (I am copy pasting this from an email I sent him in response to his offer) :

It sounds like it might be fun, but here's the truth about how these things turn out. I'm always super busy, and seem to be like a year behind on catching up with dinners with friends (I know this might seem like an exaggeration, but I promise you, it is not). I have friends I have promised to have dinner with a year ago, who still hold it over my head. :)
so I highly doubt it will happen

As I was typing my response, I realized how socially handicapped I have become, most definitely a result of my Pre-med ways.
Is it the stress of always wanting to stay home and do just a little bit more reading? Could it be that I can not befriend someone who does not share the busy life that I live? I can list more than 20 names of people that I should have met with this past year, even if it was just for a few minutes. Maybe I should just stop thinking I will actually meet up with anyone for anything. Win - Win, don't you think?

Or I can continue to make excuses, trust me there are plenty legit ones: MCAT, Medschool Apps, Mammalian physiology...need I go on?

That said, I simply remind myself that I choose to be where I am and what I do :)


Furious! I think T-mobile is trying to cheat me, and I'm not the kind of person that can yell at a customer service agent; oh how I wish I knew how to do that. I could Yell! and Yell! and Yell! until someone hung up and that someone would not be me.

They sent me a bill that states I owe them nearly $400 for an account I closed over 3 months ago. COME ON PEOPLE! I don't hear from you for this long and now I owe you money. $%&* that! I need to learn how to yell at those people, that's what they get paid for right? (better agree with me here)

Anyway, I also had to pay to get my new ID today. Being the optimist that I am I actually waited a week in hopes that someone would turn it in. This confirms that I really am running out of luck. If I continue to get billed like this I might need a second job.

I was sitting in my TA meeting this morning and thinking about how I would blog about my excitement for the first weekend of studying (and I mean all weekend) and how the temperature is going to drop this weekend (dread this one). But I just came back from the administration office where I got my ID, and got off the phone with the T-mobile people a few minutes ago, so I can't really think about anything but how much money I spent on nothing.

Trying really hard to calm down. I have genetics in a half hour maybe that will help, the world is bigger than you Emnet. There's lots more going on.  

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Early Bird

I was wide awake by 6:30 today (probably had something to do with how I fell asleep at 10:30 last night, but still...) and decided to go for a jog. I usually jog by the lake by my house, where I recently had a scary incident.
I almost stepped on a snake! It was the most scariest thing that has ever happened to me. Ok, maybe not EVER, but it's the one I could not stop thinking about this morning. But I had to jog, with my ID being lost and what not, it's not like I was going to go to the gym and do it. And I have not been getting any excersice and have no excuse for it. I know it's midterms time and all, but I really don't have that much work to do ( especially compared to how hectic things were when I was studying for my MCATs and going to school full time).

So, I got out of bed telling myself, stop making excuses, just go and run, it's been ages since you saw the damn snake and you have been to the lake multiple times after.

I'll tell you I almost didn't go. I even got dressed to go to class and everything. But then I stopped to look at myself in the mirror and knew that if I continued to sit on my ass and endulge on all the yummy goodies I can get my hands on, I best go out and jog. So I did. Well, I won't lie, I can't jog for more than 10 minutes without a rest (yes I know I am BAD, hence my signing up for a jogging class - if you do not know how that's going tsk tsk for not having been reading my blog). This morning I was feeling lazier than usual, I could not run for more than 5 minutes at a time (I know super bad). So I was walking really fast instead, still keeping an eye out for snakes. But then after walking for 15 minutes, it started to pour. I usually don't care much for rain so I continued to walk. But I shoes! I was wearing my favorite jogging shoes and I had not washed them in nearly 4 years (they are clean on the inside, so stop making that face - thank you). I love that dingy look, but now they were starting to get wet on the inside, which means I will have to wash them. How did I not know that was bound to happen. I am not sure wether it was in anger or in effort to protect the shoes, but I ran all the way back home, and that people is how I got my excerise this morning.

My shoes did get wet though - will have to wash them. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Early onset of "something"

Here's how the story goes. About two months ago, I started to show symptoms of "something" (I will call it that until I figure out what it really is).

I was out partying and lost my license. I am not very fond of purses, and so when I go out to shake some stress off, I simply shove my ID, credit card and some cash into my pocket before I head out to the mad streets of DC. Now, the sensible person I am knows to put everything in my front pocket, where it's tight and I can keep my eyes on it. However, once we have hung out at the bar for a while and ready to Boom Boom Paw (had to say that), I always do the less sensible and more convenient thing: shove my ID in my back pocket. Which is why when I lost it, it tickled me. I deserved it, in fact it was about time.  It would be nice if they had reminders by club entrances with messages like: please keep your ID's safe so you can keep coming back...wishful thinking.

Anyway, the following day I called up some clubs and asked if they had found my ID. They had not. Oh well, thank God I don't drive then, because the only time I will miss that thing is when I go out (not so urgent). But then two weeks later my mother rings and asks me if I lost my ID (someone had hand delivered it to her at her house). I had completely forgotten about my long lost ID and didn't get my AHA! moment until she mentioned the date and that I had lost it in a Taxi. I was grateful, I hope I was nice to the Taxi driver and not just an intoxicated sleepy girl he had to make sure got home safe. A week later, I lost my ID again; and no I did not put it in my back pocket. I gave it to my friend who had a purse on her, who thought she shoved it in her bag when she dropped it (my best guess of what happened since it's unlikely that someone is after my ID). 

I started to think: maybe I was really meant to lose it, I had been lazy about having it renewed since I changed my address a few years ago and so maybe this is a sign, RIGHT? Nope, because a few days later my mother ringed me again and said "someone mailed in your ID." She told me it had a note in it detailing where it was found and that I should be careful with it (I wanted to give someone a big hug for their kindness. I mean to find an ID and mail it is nice, but to do it with the speed they did whoa!) I lost it on Friday night and my mom called midweek the following week, which means the person did not waste anytime trying to get it to me, super touching! I'm touched! You would be too. My mom also suggested that I consider having my ID tattooed somewhere, that way I wont have to worry about having it renewed or lost (genius eh). Her way of saying, better get it together young lady. This is where I wish this story ends, but then I would not be whining about having early onset of "something" now would I. So a few days later, I lost my phone. I left it in the women's locker room and 2 hours later called it to have someone answer my phone with "School of Public Health Dean's office". I kid you not, that is how the assistant at the office answered my phone. I mean now that I think of it, she did not know who was calling, and she couldn't NOT pick up because it could be me. Once again I was happy about not having run out of my stash of lack.

Now this is where things started to get to me. I lost my school ID that same week. I left it at a front desk somewhere, ofcourse they kept it for me. But still, WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON WITH ME? 

Convinced yet that something is?

If not add this to your diagnosis, I lost my school ID again on Friday. I was actually at school yesterday, looking for it and I really think that this time :( it is gone for good. No one has turned it in and it does not have an address on it. Did I finally run out of luck? I'll find out Monday.

Friday, September 23, 2011

the other half

It's Friday night, and I'm trying really hard not to remember that because Friday nights always call for a celebration, and I try real hard not to miss the occasion. Tonight however, is going to be a working night. I woke up at 6:00 and went to bed at 12:00 (or later) everyday this week, yet I still managed to push over some of the day's work to the next day which had a sort of domino effect and led to the pile of reading I have to catch with now. I'm not really complaining, I love my work, and school. Maybe I'm complaining a little, just a tiny bit - about it being Friday. But I am doing this so I can go swim tomorrow, and sauna of course, and not just for fun this time, I caught a cold. I realized this a few minutes as I was watching the first episode of Grey's Anatomy, which was THE SHIT by the way. I had missed it so much. I wont lie, I even shed some tears at the end; not going to say why and ruin it for those of you who have not seen it yet. Although, I highly doubt anyone who is a fan had the time to read this and didn't see Grey's. Am I right? If you are shaking your head no then shame on you! How could you! Go and watch it NOW, and don't come back here until you do. Hehe kind of feel like a mommy saying that (dad's don't say things in such a demanding tone do they?) Another topic for another day.

So yea, I caught a cold, didn't have time to dry my hair this morning. This week has been bitter sweet. Got my first interview on Tuesday and my first rejection just now from Chicago Medical College. I would have loved to go there too, it looked like a great place to be. Oh well, can't get accepted everywhere, I knew that. I guess. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Half a post

I was looking at my blog just now and found it kind annoying that I don't blog regularly. Most of the blogs I follow update me in a predictable way, and I prefer those to the ones that don't post for a week and then post everyday, then don't post for a month then post every hour (ehhh). You get the point right? Ok! So I will assume you prefer predictability and try to post every other day. On weekends however, nothing is guaranteed, so if you all just hope and pray real hard that I will be doing something extra fun every now and then, you might just see something up here. Win-Win huh? I get to have fun, and ya'll get to read. Ok it's starting to sound like I'm about to go on and on about how much of a confident writer I am, which is not the case. Infact, I started this blog so as to enable me to practice my writing skills. You see I love to read and write, and I love medicine. I didn't want to be an English major and take all those extra bio classes with Biology majors. So I make a choice. I became a Physiology and Neurobiology major in hopes of picking up an English minor. However, with the reccession, and my going to a state school. The English Department had just decided not to offer English minors anymore. So I practice wriring here. The end of the saddness.

Now, moving on to the fun stuff: my Meharry interview.
I already booked my flight (which cost me $320, who knew local flights would cost so much - I didn't). And now I am just hoping to hear back from the student host program at the school, so I can stay with one of the Medstudents. I will be getting there early Sunday morning (for a Monday morning interview, which I know sounds kind of ridiculous, but I saved nearly a hundred dollars by taking this earlier flight - doesn't sound so ridiculous now does it :) Anyway, I am SUPER EXCITED to be staying with the students and hopefully get to know the school even better.And that is all on that front, will update after the interview :) Keep me in your prayers.

But, BUT I do have something else very exciting - I graded a worksheet for my class yesterday. It was a weird experience...I want to say more, but I have to run to my 11 o'clock, will tell you all about it tonight, this is just half of today's post haha...(so i'm not breaking any rules :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

First Interview

Just got an Interview Invite to Meharry Med...soooo excited. God is Great! 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Back at the Coffee Bar

I don't mean to sound ungrateful because I am...grateful. Believe you me, when I was studying for the MCAT there were days when I didn't think I would get a good enough score to apply. Then, while I waited for my grades, I was certain that no matter what it came out to be, I would not take it again. Not anytime soon anyway, I was drained.  But then, I didn't have to re-take it, so I was definitely grateful. I gave myself a day to absorb the reality of my scores, and the following day started working on my secondaries. At first I was excited, because it was the BEST next step. But BUT, it was summer, and I didn't have a job, or wasn't taking classes, and yet I found myself in the library every day (I'm talking 9 - 5 people).  I have been going to my current school for two years before this summer and I spent so much of my time in the library. Mornings, afternoons, and weekends (last semester I can boldly say...every weekend). My point - that did not make me buddy-buddy with the librarians because I was just one student among the thousands they saw. This summer however they saw me when they opened the library doors and left me when their shifts were over (ok slight exaggeration here, but seriously, there was this one librarian who lived in the area where I lived and most days we took the same shuttle to school and back, I mean, he was getting paid to do that; I on the other hand was miserable and missing out on all the sun). It was painful. The secondaries came in at the same time, and were all very very costly, and demanding in the content of the essays they requested.

You should see my type this...I'm starting to relive the moments, so I'll stop and get to what I really wanted to whine about. 

It's September 19 and I still don't know if ALL that was for nothing. It was either for the greatest thing in the world, MEDSCHOOL, or for nothing, kind of like, Action Potentials...haha (this is not random, we have been talking about these things FOREVER in Cell Neurophys) - so action potentials, are these all or nothing events; which is what this is starting to feel like. After all the confidence of being a competitive applicant wore off (partially because I have forgotten what my profile looks like, and partially because all those other pre-meds that I should really be like, who applied the first day of June already know where they are going) it has left me feeling like I might just end up a Graded Potential, one that does not generate an Action Potential. so sooooo sooooooo SAD!

I should stop thinking of such things. It's monday morning: one of my favorite times of the week. On my way here I was thinking about how I would update you all with all the fun stuff I got into this weekend, like the trip I made to the potomac river (I know very vague, since that thing is huge and you see it where ever you go). I went to the site where you pass by nice fancy houses in potomac and where you can see the virginia people on the other side of the river (my efforts to clarify, hoping that you are nodding your head, "yea I know that place").

I really should look at names and labels. I'm one of those people that is completely oblivious to my surroundings, or maybe it's because I hate wearing my glasses. Anyway, that was exciting, I went there with a friend who photographs as a hobby, he even let me take some shots with his fancy complicated camera. Then I did some homework.

Sunday morning, after a hearty breakfast, I caught up with some weekly news and went for a swim/sauna - that took 3 hours.

Fun huh, told you my pre-med days were over. 
Will try and post some pictures sometime this week...I'm also handicapped when it comes to tech stuff, which is why my blog looks so dull. But please keep coming back for my posts. I'll learn how to make my page a bit more inviting.


Friday, September 16, 2011


Let the procrastination begin.
So I've become the number one procrastinator there is. Sad thing really, since that was the one thing I always prided myself on not being. I mean, I get everything done a day early at least! I think I have some  kind of senior syndrome, there is not other possible explanation.

Here's the evidence:
Yesterday, I had the afternoon off. And you should see what's on my to do list for an afternoon off. I have organized my home works from the least time consuming to the most time consuming, so that by the time I get to that one very long assignment, I can feel so accomplished from all the little tasks I've completed, that I will be high with motivation and just keep on working.

That's what WAS supposed to happen. But what ACTUALLY happened is, I ended up half-assing my little tasks then sitting and starring at my screen asking myself if I should complete them or enjoy an hour of fun reading, then half ass the big tasks so that I will only need 15 minutes to finish and turn them in (the day they are due that is, SAD! I tell you, just SAD).

THIS IS ME...PROCRASTINATING: I don't want to believe that I am procrastinating so I touch on everything on my list, but don't really complete anything. SMART HUH!

Well that didn't happen either, as I sat there looking at my partially complete mini tasks and remembered something I forgot to add to my to-do list. I was supposed to search for scholarships for my spring break get away, because clearly, it would be really stupid for me, not even having traveled to God knows where for interviews to be spending money on a trip. So I started to do that. 5 minutes later and I was looking at a research internship with NIH. The one I found looked SO GOOD! I wanted to do it, correction, I want to do it. So then I spent the rest of my time reading about it, and thinking of all the people I know who have done it, and emailing them to get their opinion and junk like that. Clearly I need help deciding.

I have to talk to my councilor about it. Whom by the way, I conveniently ran into at the coffee shop just now as I was typing this, and all I have to do now is email him to remind him when we meet (putting that on my to-do list right now before I forget). 

Anyway, I will wait to see what he says, because my doing this internship would mean that I would take a year off before medical school, defer attendance if and when I get admitted, an idea that I toyed with for nearly a year before my MCAT's. Clearly I am still toying with it. While we're on the subject, it still bugs me that I have not received an email from even one school. I just keep telling myself "it's early," "soon." God help me.

let's not get sidetracked, the focus now is: procrastination- my reason for a busy weekend, and maybe another year before medical school (I can't believe I just typed that...really thinking about deleting it...not going to.)

The end.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Right my Wrongs

I dropped my jogging class.

I had a choice: I can either be unfit and happy, or tolerate miserable Wednesdays. Can you imagine how distressed I would be if I had to attend classes all morning, jog at 2:00PM, then shower, change and head directly to the class I TA, for two hours. I wont even have time to grab a decent lunch. To all of you out there shaking your head to my choice of "unfit and happy" know that these are legit reasons to drop a jogging class. They are! I am sure the students would appreciate my having a nice day too, since they are stuck with me for 2 hours.

Besides, I don't want to have to walk all the way from the gym to my class after a shower during the dreadful cold months that are soon to come. I could catch anything. Now I have 6 more hours added to my week. I celebrated this wonderful addition with a slice of pizza and a milkshake (also self treating PMS). I used up the first 3 hours today by logging into medschool websites to check the status of my application, complain with some other pre-meds on SDN about not receiving any interview invites and trying to figure out if I can afford to go away for spring break.

My pre-med life feels like it's over.
Everything is out of my hands now. It SUCKS nervously checking emails everyday hoping to hear back from schools, I wish I had applied the first day AMCAS opened up, because some of those early birds (the gunners) are hearing back.

Right my wrongs future pre - meds:
work out more
apply early
treat your PMS better - use natural sweet and salty - fruits and veggies( Good luck on that one hehe :)


Monday, September 12, 2011

Here's one for Pre-meds

What a weekend!

There was nothing to do, yet it was exhausting. I could go on and on about how much I ate and drank at the New Years party yesterday but I'll do all of us a favor and say that it was a great celebration. Yes, the Ethiopian New Year is the same day as 9/11, a very troubling coincidence, but both days are "etched in stone" so to speak and just like you can not change what happened on September 11th, I highly doubt the Ethiopian Calendar will gain or loose a day and change the day of New Years. It's really weird, especially for those of us who live in the U.S and really appreciates what it means to live here. I mention this because when I told a friend that our new years was yesterday, he asked me why we had chosen to celebrate it on 9/11. (C'mon do ya really think we started to celebrate new years after that horrible day. NO! We did celebrated the year 2004, and not there's your proof)

So to all my Habesha readers: Happy 2004! (Please do not ask me why we are nearly 8 years behind...look it up, there's alot of different calendars out there :D)

That said, back to my Pre-med whining about not doing anything this weekend, and I mean nothing! ....Obviously not because I was busy, in fact I wanted so much to be busy, to read ahead for all my classes and sort of celebrate the Fall semester-Pre-med style (haha, more like geek style). But that didn't work out because I didn't have anything to do for my classes, nor was there anything really interesting in the books. I spent nearly two hours trying to keep busy, then I just gave up and started reading RAPT (that book I told you about in my last post), so far it proves to be engaging.

Anyway, this morning I woke up after 8 hours of sleep (haven't done that in a while) dehydrated and exhausted and went to school only to find that I really could have slept through my first class. C'mon people engage me :(

After lunch I had my first Mammalian Physiology Lab-lecture, now there's a class that knows how to engage me. 50 minutes in that class and I walked out thinking, I need to read. YES! YES! YES!

That made my day.
Then...I had my beginners jogging class, and oh my GOD! I was the only beginner in that class. I was jogging at a steady pace, but you should see the rest of the class, I saw them twice in each lap. I was contemplating dropping the class and signing up for yoga. Ofcourse I'm not going to. I don't give up, I'm not a quitter, I signed up so I can adopt a running habit and I'm going to see it through. (There's another Pre-med moment for you, this one was a very embarrassing one though. It's like asking what a cell is in Cellular Neurophysiology).

Ok, so enough whining, I'm about to go rock climbing for the first time EVER! Yay! me.
I'm really working on making fitness fun :)


Friday, September 9, 2011

Happy Friday Night

It is a very happy friday night, I've been slowly draining a glass of Spanish Sangria for about 20 minutes now, and felt the need to update all of you out there who were distressed about my conflict with time. You'll be glad to know that we have REUNITED, it was all really romantic. The gift of time has allowed me to take a 2 hour nap, cook, eat, and lay in bed doing what I do best - read.

I also wanted to share an excitement I often find hard to contain: my finding of a good read. It's a book by Winifred Gallagher entitled Rapt. I have read the first few pages and found it very engaging, I simply can not wait to get my paws on it. I was reading a blog and stumbled upon a quote from that book:

Living the focused life is not about trying to feel happy all the time...rather, it's about treating your mind as you would a private garden, and being as careful as possible about what you introduce and allow to grow there.

Isn't it just catchy? I thought so too. So I looked up the review and my now very relaxed brain (thank you Sangria) tells me it would greatly appreciate Gallagher's contribution.

I have not forgotten about my secondaries, I sent two out this week, and have just two more left. Yay! me :) But everything on my to do list for the day has been crossed out so that I may enjoy my search for treasure in the largest man made garbage: the World Wide Web, and ofcourse I am now introducing my own garbage to that pile. If you can't beat em' join em'....(ending my entry with a cliche... clearly a sign that I should stop here and now). But to all of you out there who often find it hard to find a good book, here are some of the ones I read recently:

A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers (It took me a while to finish this one)

Little Bee by Chris Cleave
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman
This Won't Hurt a Bit (and other white lies) by Michelle Au

Good night all

For the Love of Time

Time: a tricky little thing; so hard to get a hold of when you need it, and just as hard to get rid of when you have too much of it. You see, most of my life, a little bit of everyday has been dedicated to making time my friend. In my dedication, I try and make sure I can get a hold of it when I need it, and I know what to do with it when I have it, and we have been true to one another thus far. I use time wisely, focusing hard on tasks at hand, so that I may enjoy longer hours of sleep, reading blogs, and what not. So I would say we have a pretty stable relationship, time and I, which led me to believe that I had earned the love of time. Yes! The Love of Time.

However, I think my relationship with time has taken a wrong turn, or maybe, I did something to upset the balance, because I am not sure if it's on my side anymore :( You see, I'm still stuck on Tuesday (the date of my last post, when time was on my side and all was in harmony).  However I did dedicate my entire Friday morning to time. I sat in the coffee bar for nearly 3 hours and worked though my DayMinder (the actual name of my daily planner. NO! I did not name it, it came with :)...catchy phrase wouldn't you agree? it has it printed beautifully in golden on the top right corner, and it just swept me off my feet when I saw it on the shelves in the store).

Anyhow, I now know what I'll be doing for every minute of everyday (slight exaggeration here) from now until next Friday. My pledge to our never ending love, and I am hoping that time will come back to me....SOON.

If all goes well, I expect to catch you up on all of the whining I've been saving for this space. 

Gotta run to class now.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Thou Shall Not Waste Thy Morning Coffee

My day started fairly early, woke up at 6:00 AM, thinking Damn You! long weekend, because clearly my body was still on vacation. Three and a half hours later I was sitting in the coffee shop in my school frustrated for not having finished even one of the secondaries I had told myself I would complete by this morning (but ofcourse I knew that when I decided to go to bed at 11:00PM yesterday). So I sat there furiously refreshing a webpage (for the writing center at my school, where I had scheduled to have my work reviewed) for the 100th time when I felt a light bulb go on in my head and it was mocking me too...this light bulb

light bulb: why don't you just call them Emnet!
me: Ofcourse
light bulb: how stupid
me: Oh Please! Shut up!

So I called them at 9:27, to cancel an appointment I made for 9:30. HA! I think I would have flipped out if I was that person who came in early that morning because of that appointment. But the lady who picked up was nice, in fact she made me feel like I was making unnecessary excuses when I explained that their webpage would not cooperate with me this morning. She simply said, oh it's been down since yesterday. DID I HAVE A RIGHT TO BE ANGRY? don't answer that, because I was (a bit, I think) because after I hung up I spent nearly 10 minutes just thinking about how much I appreciate error messages like:
 "Our Web Page is under construction please come back later" or "Just call us today instead" either one would have been perfect and saved me from a rather unpleasant start to an already rainy day after a long weekend.

Anyway, I calmed myself down and continued to work on my secondaries (thinking about having my second cup of coffee). Then grabbed my second cup of coffee and headed to class. 5 minutes into lecture and my coffee is KICKING IN nicely. I can hear the synapses in my brain (haha, I wish). But the class I was in was just like a review of 5 grade math, not exactly, but you know what I mean. I would go to so many places in my head only to come back and find that I did not miss a thing. Then I would plan the rest of my day and look up and oh my, still discussing x and y. ok! I'm really not the type that doesn't pay attention in class (if there is a type, then I'm the type that shows up and pays attention THE ENTIRE TIME). But today it was nearly impossible to do so.

However I did learn a few things during that lecture
1) If I ever do some serious research it will be in the science field, where I will more likely study causation and not correlation (correlation = boring )
2) I do not like introduction, atleast not nearly as much as I like to dig deep into a subject. (details = fun stuff)
3) No need for coffee on Tue and Thur mornings

Every lesson counts right (see my optimism, see, see...don't say I didn't warn you). Expect alot more venting too that is how you landed on this page right? (ALL 22 of you who have visited my page...once again, I hope I entertain you into coming back more often).

That said, I just got home, I'm starving so adios! ;)


Monday, September 5, 2011


..where would I be without you.

There's one I have to meet by the end of the day (4 secondaries must be sent out tomorrow regardless of how incomprehensible and nonsensical they sound).

Behold my initial reaction to labor day weekend:
no school on Monday! why? we just started!
Where's a long weekend when you need one, which would be later in the semester. But now I think like all good things, Labor day exists for a reason, a very important one at that I may finish my secondaries and actually start to pay attention to my classes.

I think the only class I've enjoyed so far is Genetics, maybe because I know I wont receive a grade in that class but I think it's because Dr. xx (I'll call her that for now, she teaches genetics, and she's female - xx, get it. oki) makes it so much fun to attend. I remember this past Friday she was lecturing on chromosomes, and started to describe the different types. She said something here we have the Y chromosome, this choromosome is an itsy bitsy little thing that determines the male sex. She then gave the class a teasing look, (it was sort of like a big wink)..then said..."insert joke here"

I thought it was hilarious...(nature is really humoring, all the chromosomes are in fairly the same size range, except for "Y"....hmmmm)
the class is filled with such entertaining it's kind of sad that we'll miss one on Monday.
Oh well, those secondaries are not going to do themselves.

But before I leave I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who have sent me a message and commented in support of my blog. I hope you will continue to visit my posts.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Naming this thing

Ok!I have been trying to come up with a name for this blog for the past hour. It might just be the last name for a blog out there, and yes! I found it.
So finally, here goes:

It's already September and I still have a few more of those grueling Med-School secondaries to send out, which means, interviews if and when I get any, will be coming in after November, Ahhhhhgh! (This blog is going to come in very handy)

Well it's a choice, and I've made mine, I'm going to medschool... it's only a matter of time.

I will post here what I come across on my journey to medschool and hopefully how much fun medschool is ;) along with all that other unplanned stuff life throws at me. I'm just setting up now, so this is all you'll get. But I've been looking forward to starting a blog for a while... :) this is all very exciting :)
