Monday, September 19, 2011

Back at the Coffee Bar

I don't mean to sound ungrateful because I am...grateful. Believe you me, when I was studying for the MCAT there were days when I didn't think I would get a good enough score to apply. Then, while I waited for my grades, I was certain that no matter what it came out to be, I would not take it again. Not anytime soon anyway, I was drained.  But then, I didn't have to re-take it, so I was definitely grateful. I gave myself a day to absorb the reality of my scores, and the following day started working on my secondaries. At first I was excited, because it was the BEST next step. But BUT, it was summer, and I didn't have a job, or wasn't taking classes, and yet I found myself in the library every day (I'm talking 9 - 5 people).  I have been going to my current school for two years before this summer and I spent so much of my time in the library. Mornings, afternoons, and weekends (last semester I can boldly say...every weekend). My point - that did not make me buddy-buddy with the librarians because I was just one student among the thousands they saw. This summer however they saw me when they opened the library doors and left me when their shifts were over (ok slight exaggeration here, but seriously, there was this one librarian who lived in the area where I lived and most days we took the same shuttle to school and back, I mean, he was getting paid to do that; I on the other hand was miserable and missing out on all the sun). It was painful. The secondaries came in at the same time, and were all very very costly, and demanding in the content of the essays they requested.

You should see my type this...I'm starting to relive the moments, so I'll stop and get to what I really wanted to whine about. 

It's September 19 and I still don't know if ALL that was for nothing. It was either for the greatest thing in the world, MEDSCHOOL, or for nothing, kind of like, Action Potentials...haha (this is not random, we have been talking about these things FOREVER in Cell Neurophys) - so action potentials, are these all or nothing events; which is what this is starting to feel like. After all the confidence of being a competitive applicant wore off (partially because I have forgotten what my profile looks like, and partially because all those other pre-meds that I should really be like, who applied the first day of June already know where they are going) it has left me feeling like I might just end up a Graded Potential, one that does not generate an Action Potential. so sooooo sooooooo SAD!

I should stop thinking of such things. It's monday morning: one of my favorite times of the week. On my way here I was thinking about how I would update you all with all the fun stuff I got into this weekend, like the trip I made to the potomac river (I know very vague, since that thing is huge and you see it where ever you go). I went to the site where you pass by nice fancy houses in potomac and where you can see the virginia people on the other side of the river (my efforts to clarify, hoping that you are nodding your head, "yea I know that place").

I really should look at names and labels. I'm one of those people that is completely oblivious to my surroundings, or maybe it's because I hate wearing my glasses. Anyway, that was exciting, I went there with a friend who photographs as a hobby, he even let me take some shots with his fancy complicated camera. Then I did some homework.

Sunday morning, after a hearty breakfast, I caught up with some weekly news and went for a swim/sauna - that took 3 hours.

Fun huh, told you my pre-med days were over. 
Will try and post some pictures sometime this week...I'm also handicapped when it comes to tech stuff, which is why my blog looks so dull. But please keep coming back for my posts. I'll learn how to make my page a bit more inviting.


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