Friday, September 9, 2011

Happy Friday Night

It is a very happy friday night, I've been slowly draining a glass of Spanish Sangria for about 20 minutes now, and felt the need to update all of you out there who were distressed about my conflict with time. You'll be glad to know that we have REUNITED, it was all really romantic. The gift of time has allowed me to take a 2 hour nap, cook, eat, and lay in bed doing what I do best - read.

I also wanted to share an excitement I often find hard to contain: my finding of a good read. It's a book by Winifred Gallagher entitled Rapt. I have read the first few pages and found it very engaging, I simply can not wait to get my paws on it. I was reading a blog and stumbled upon a quote from that book:

Living the focused life is not about trying to feel happy all the time...rather, it's about treating your mind as you would a private garden, and being as careful as possible about what you introduce and allow to grow there.

Isn't it just catchy? I thought so too. So I looked up the review and my now very relaxed brain (thank you Sangria) tells me it would greatly appreciate Gallagher's contribution.

I have not forgotten about my secondaries, I sent two out this week, and have just two more left. Yay! me :) But everything on my to do list for the day has been crossed out so that I may enjoy my search for treasure in the largest man made garbage: the World Wide Web, and ofcourse I am now introducing my own garbage to that pile. If you can't beat em' join em'....(ending my entry with a cliche... clearly a sign that I should stop here and now). But to all of you out there who often find it hard to find a good book, here are some of the ones I read recently:

A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers (It took me a while to finish this one)

Little Bee by Chris Cleave
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman
This Won't Hurt a Bit (and other white lies) by Michelle Au

Good night all

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